Progress Report Lab 10

Progress Report Lab 10

Lab 11 was all about getting the most efficient and consistent code to run with the AEV design that was chosen. In order to do this Group K first created a code that utilized air brakes and left the AEV to coast into the gate and cargo areas. Once we got the code to consistently run the entirety of the course, our group then started working on a second code to compare to the first. The second code was aiming to eliminate coasting periods as the group believed that some consistency errors were coming from these. To do this the code used absolute position to make the AEV go directly under the sensors, and then the air brakes were turned on at a higher power level than previously used to bring the AEV to a complete stop. Our group also planned to test if making the AEV travel the course would be more energy efficient but did not have enough time to complete it, so it was pushed to next lab period.


Results & Analysis

In the appendix the graph of energy vs time can be found for both the codes used in testing. From the graph we found that the second code, which has no coasting periods, uses more energy than the first code. This is due to the increased power of the air brakes that is needed to stop the AEV in its tracks. The weight of the AEV is 247 grams, and with this and the energy recorded by the arduino we can get the energy/mass ratio. The first code gave a ratio of 1283 J/kG and the second code gave a ratio of 1336 J/kG. Both of these numbers are very high, so next lab the group will work on lowering this number by speeding up the AEV and determining that effect on the energy/mass ratio.




  • Using Matlab to get the energy/mass ratio can help the group figure out what needs to be changed


  • Eliminating periods of coasting makes the AEV more consistent


Forward Looking To Testing 


The team has completed all their codes for their AEV. It successfully goes around the track and completes the requirements and goals in the Mission Concept Review. For the next lab, the team will be doing final testing for the AEV and will be evaluated. The team will be allowed two runs and the better of the runs will be taken as a grade in the CDR. Then AEV needs to stop at the gate properly in both directions as well as not crash into the cargo or the end of the track. Points will be deducted if the AEV fails to perform properly or if the cargo falls off the AEV. The AEV will be scored on both completing tasks and its efficiency, specifically its energy/mass ratio. The team will also work on Monday to continue to modify the AEV so that is more efficiency. They will increase the speed to see if that will improve efficiency and the energy/mass ratio.

Weekly Goals

  1.     Finish the Project Portfolio
  2.     Take pictures of AEV and teammates
  3.     Improve AEV efficiency with speed


Task Teammate(s) Start Date End Date Due Date Time To Complete
Finish the Project Portfolio All 4/6/17 4/15/17 4/20/17 2 hrs
Take Pictures All 4/6/17 4/9/17 4/20/17 15 minutes
Improve AEV All 4/6/17 4/12/17 4/12/17 1 hr