Progress Report Lab 1
During the first lab, Team K learned about the basics of programming the arduino and also performed a check on the motors to make sure they were functioning properly. To accomplish these objectives Team K created a simple program that utilized all the arduino functions learned, and then tested that code on the motors. The code used in lab can be found in the appendix. The code began with testing one motor, then the other, and then reversing both and testing them at the same time.
Results and Analysis
During the lab Team K discovered that one of the motors had been faulty and despite the code being correct, would not move. In order to troubleshoot the problem, the code was kept the same and tested but with the motors switched. Motor one, which had worked the first time was switched to the position of motor two. When the code was run again, the motor that was switched into the second position run normally, but the motor that originally did not function remained non-functioning. This proved that it was a faulty motor and the code was working fine. A different motor was traded for the faulty one and when the code was tested again with the new motor the arduino worked as it was intended to. Some takeaways that Team K has from this lab are the troubleshooting method and coding as a team. Our team needs to learn how to contribute to the code without actually writing it. Looking over the lines for errors and contributing ideas are all ways to keep the team engaged in the programming, without actually having to type the code out.
Looking forward to Lab 02
This week Team K will have constructed the sample AEV according to the model in the AEV documents. They will also read materials in the lab manual to prepare for testing during the lab. The team will have completed the Progress Report on time and met the specific goals established for the week.
Weekly Goals
- Construct the sample AEV before lab
- Assign roles to each member for Lab 02 to optimize lab time
- Schedule next Sunday as next meeting time
- Complete and upload the Progress Report
- Read through the Lab manual, especially background information
Schedule Before Lab 2
Task | Teammates | Start Date | Due Date | Time Needed |
Construct AEV | Yumeng, Wesley | 01/22/16 | 01/26/16 | 30 mins |
Assign Roles | All | 01/22/16 | 01/26/16 | 5 mins |
Scheduling | All | 01/22/16 | 01/26/16 | 5 mins |
Progress Report | All | 01/22/16 | 01/26/16 | 2 hours |
Read material | All | 01/22/16 | 01/26/16 | 15 mins |