Date: 4-1-2017
Time: 3pm
Members Present:
Topics Discussed: Justin Brenner, Malcolm Cartwright, Anton Krondorfer, Shawn Hawkins, Matthew Friedman
Objective: This meeting’s objective was to summarize the achievements made in the last lab, prepare for the documentation, and to brainstorm ways for accuracy/consistency/efficiency
To Do/Action Items:
-Finish this week’s lab report
-Get more readings on the new sensors
-Find what values consistently land the AEV at the gate and R2 unit.
-Look into variables of efficiency
This week, the team decided on:
-Division of labor in the documentation for the lab report
-Show faulty data/readings of old sensors to instructors
-Integrate new sensors into the AEV
-Design a secondary code with a different style of accurately predicting the stopping location of the AEV
-Did a good job on getting ahead of work, not pressed for scrambling due to procrastination
-Content with the new sensors, just need to find correct values for distance statements
-Professional job storing runs and logging data
-Great week for the team