The team’s mission is to make the most energy efficient Advance Energy Vehicle that can transport a R2-D2 units across the galaxy to aid in the manufacturing of aircrafts. The team must construct an AEV to traverse a monorail network system, pickup another vehicle with R2-D2 on it and then return to the base. The AEV must be energy efficient since the base is located on a remote island where power is limited. The construction of these aircrafts is vital for the rebellion since their fleet was just destroyed.
The team will balance operational requirements and design constraints to perfect the mass/practicality ratio in order to improve efficiency. The team will also have to understand that the power source is not always perfect and reliable, so they movement of the AEV will not be either. In addition, the planets in the path to the galaxy are on orbit so there may be an altering of paths that the vehicle has to take in order to get to the base.
The team will be competing among other teams for the rebellion’s contract to provide the vehicle. All teams will be able to use the a sample rebellion monorail system in order to test their AEV and get a more complete understanding of the routes the vehicles will be taking.
Below is the path the team must take to complete the mission.
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