
Lab01- Arduino Programming Basics

The group worked on two task last week, these tasks included: familiarizing themselves with the Arduino IDE software, and learning how to program basic functions and upload function onto the Arduino. Familiarizing oneself to the Arduino IDE software was necessary because it provided the group with a better understanding on how to use the program successfully. This was done by having the team input several different functions into the IDE software being used. From these functions the team could see how functions were uploaded onto the Arduino, and executed from the motors and fan blades located inside the AEV Kit. Completing this last week was important so that usage of sensor function calls would be known in Week 2.

The performance of the electric motors was excellent. There was very little lag or resistance in the propellers after turning on the Arduino. A problem with the Arduino coding is that the brake command only shuts off the motor but does not actually stop the vehicle from moving, therefore it will continue to move due to inertia. Upon running the program created, the group noticed some minor errors. A large amount of time was wasted when trying to program the motors due to a faulty Arduino given to the team. To combat this issue a new Arduino was presented to the group. More guidance and assistance would have been beneficial once our Arduino was not working properly, but all other lab material was self-explanatory. Later, more time was wasted when there was an error present in the AEV program, there was an error in locating the file the Sketchbook was saved once the Sketchbook was saved into another location, the team could begin programming on the Arduino with no issues.

Weekly Schedule 

Team Meeting Notes Week 2 

Date: 1/20/2017
Time: 8:00 pm
Members Present: Cat, Emily, Lovell
Topics Discussed: Progress Report Week 2

Today’s main objective was to discuss the outline for Progress Report Week 2 as well as the Portfolio Update and decide who will be responsible for what sections. We also discussed good meeting times and preferences for each member as well as started discussing the design of the AEV

To do/Action Items:
-Progress Report Week 2 sections
-Assign Portfolio to a member
-Start to build the AEV

-The Progress Report Week 2 is split evenly
-Portfolio was assigned to a Lovell
-AEV building by Cat and Emily

-The meeting was slower due to not having known the material needed for the Progress Report. The next meetings will go quicker because the members are familiar with the outline.
-Understand the material before coming to meetings so ensure a productive meeting.