Lab 05

Lab 5- Design Concepts

In this lab the team was tasked with completing a concept scoring scoresheet and a concept screening scoresheet on the designs the team previously  made in lab 4. The team then chose the best design and  tested their chosen AEV model on the straightaway track located in the classroom. The creation of these scoresheets was important because it allowed the team to determine how successful their designs would be on the track if it were to be used. This also allowed the team to determine which AEV they felt would best suite their needs. The concept screening score sheet was created by having the team analyze their different AEV designs and provide them with either a positive, negative or zero in different criteria area, using the sample AEV the instructor created as reference. The Concept Scoring scoresheet was made in a similar fashion, but rather than using plus or minuses, the team determined how much each criteria they had listed weighed in importance, then assigned a weight score and rating to how they felt their AEV’s performed in that specific category.

Table 1: Concept Screening Scoresheet

Table 1 shows designs A through C as either better (+) or worse (-) than the reference design for nine different success criteria that our group thought was important. The reason for this was to decide which design had the highest score at the end, therefore the best design to pick. The net score for the reference design was zero, therefore design C was equal in overall successfulness to meet desired criteria. Design B fell short of the reference design with a score of -3, which was also the lowest score of all designs. Design A on the other hand has a higher score than the reference design and therefore was the best design that could be picked of these designs.

Table 2: Concept Scoring Matrix

The Concept Scoring Matrix shows the same success criteria that the group thought was important but in a different fashion. This table shows the weight of importance of the success criteria as a percentage out of one hundred. Then, each design was scored on a scale of 0 to 5 with 5 being outstanding in that criteria. The ratings were then multiplied by the weight to make a weighted score. The total score shown at the bottom gives a total of both the ratings and weight score. Just as in the Concept Screening Scoresheet, Design A had the best score which was just over the reference design. Design C had a worse score than both design A and the reference design, but had a better score than Design B, making design B the least useful design.
Due to design A being the best overall design in both the Concept Screening Scoresheet and the  Concept Scoring Matrix, the group decided to proceed with this design. The team also looked at the flaws (negative signs on the Concept Screening Scoresheet) and decided how those could be improved. The team decided to move the Arduino back a little to allow for better balance of the AEV. This is important for both weight distribution right/ left and top/bottom to provide for a higher efficiency, center of gravity and accuracy. The team also decided to move one of the propellers lower to provide for more airflow and less blockage, also improving efficiency.

Weekly Schedule

Team Meeting Notes Week 6

Date: 2/19/2017
Time: 10:00 am
Members Present: Cat, Emily, Lovell
Topics Discussed: Progress Report Week 6, AEV Design, Portfolio

Objective: The objective of this meeting is to decide on parts of the progress report of week 6 as well as the portfolio. The main objective is to discuss the design types and decide on one design that is better than the others. Then, the group will discuss how to improve that design. Lastly, the team needs to look ahead to the PDR presentation worksheet, halfway checkpoint, and oral presentations.

To do/Action Items:
-create Concept Scoring Matrix
-create Concept Screening Scoresheet
-determine best overall design
-build AEV to design and evaluate
-talk about future objectives

-Design A will be used
-The design will need to be modified slightly to ensure the least amount of blockage
-the progress report will be split up evenly
-the portfolio will be updated before next lab
-documents were opened to start thinking about future objectives

Reflections: The meeting was productive as the members worked together and communicated on their thoughts of the success criteria of both Concept Scoring Matrix and the Concept Screening Scoresheet. Then, the team provided helpful input on how to improve the chosen design, and split up parts evenly, as well as looked ahead as to have time to create the best final projects instead of rushing.