
Team Meeting Notes:

Date: 22 / Jan / 2017

Time: 3:30pm (Face to Face)

Members Present: Mia Bridgman, Jaime A. Chavez, Zahra Naseer, Jarrett Wiggins

Topic Discussed: Week 2 Lab Report


Today’s main focus was decide and agree as a team how we are going to work regarding the AEV project and the lab reports  through all the semester.

To do/ Action Items:

-Continue working on Lab report for Week 2

-Prepare for Lab 3 “External Sensors and Systems Analysis”


-As a team we decide to use google Drive as our main place to create and collaborate in the redaction of the necessary documents. Our first draft for the lab report will be try to be  due the upcoming Wednesday after completing the lab.

-We also decide to communicate via text message as our primary way of communication.

-Due to schedule conflicts we determined to meet at least once per week to keep working on the project, but if it’s necessary we agree to meet when it is necessary.

-To complete the lab reports we decided to split the work in fair share. Meaning, that every member of the group will be responsible each week  to complete their assigned part.


-Since this is our first lab report, as a group, we think is going to be necessary some feedback from the GTA or UTA.




Team Meeting Notes:

Date: 29 / Jan/ 2017

Time: 3:30pm (Face to Face)

Members Present: Mia Bridgman, Jaime A. Chavez, Zahra Naseer, Jarrett Wiggins

Topic Discussed: Lab report and calculations


Today’s main focus was realize all the necessary calculations in order to have a better understanding of the AEV Project.

To do/ Action Items:

-Continue working on the Lab report for Week 3

-Prepare/Read for Lab 3 “Creative Design Thinking and Rapid Prototyping”

-Complete the data analysis for lab 2


-As a team we decide to split work and make fair amount of work for the calculations. Also since our first lab report got a good grade, we decide to maintain the same roles for the upcoming reports.

-Our second draft for the lab report will be try to be due the upcoming Wednesday.


-Before submitting its important to check the calculations since our first data showed a little bit of inconsistency.