Performance Test 3

The day of performance test 3, the group’s goals were to complete at least 1 recorded successful test run. The group planned to continue to improve consistency and accuracy until the final recorded test run. Before any test runs had been started the group noticed one of the wires had come disconnected for the Arduino. This wire was reconnected and the group began testing. After the wire had been reconnected there was a large jump in consistency and accuracy. Details in the code were edited until the group felt confident that a recorded test run would be successfully completed. The AEV successfully completed the mission with the only error being passing the stopping point on its return with the cargo.


Performance Test 2

For performance test 2, the group tested two sets of Arduino code. The first code was based on time, while the second code was based on position. Both codes are shown below. The goals of the tests were to increase consistency and number of consecutive successful test runs. After having the AEV complete the first half of the mission using the code based on time, the group decided that using time as a parameter was decreasing consistency rather than increasing it. While using time as a parameter the number of consecutive successful test runs also decreased. The group decided to continue developing the code based on position for this reason.


Arduino Code

/*Code based on time*/






 goFor(2); // time coasting



 goFor(.5);  //time in reverse


 goFor(9);  //gate to open

















/*Code based on Position*/




 goToAbsolutePosition(253);  //brake to first gate


 goFor(2); // time coasting



 goFor(.5);  //time in reverse


 goFor(8);  //gate to open

















Performance Test 1

For the Group’s first performance test, we decided to experiment with the propellor set up. The group compared the original design where both motors faced the same direction against a modified design where one motor was set up in a push configuration and the other was a pull configuration. The idea behind the modification was that even when the AEV changes direction, at least one motor will still be a push configuration. As we found during an earlier lab, the push configuration of the 3030 propellors would give the group the most energy efficient results. The difference between the two designs tested showed that our initial thoughts were correct.

The Arduino code was changed to fit the design modifications; power was lowered, and motor 2 was reversed. And the group design was updated to having motors in opposing configurations.

Figure 1: Design one both motors facing same direction, includes frame

Figure 2: Design two each motor facing different direction, excluding motor

Weekly Schedule

Team Meeting Notes

Date: 03/23/17

Time: 9:16 PM (group message)

Members Present: All members

Topics Discussed: Roles for PDR, tasks for Friday lab


Discuss the roles assigned for writing the PDR.  Discuss what data needs to be collected during Friday lab and how this will be achieved within the limited time of a lab session.

To Do/Action Items:

  • Finish PDR
  • Collect and plot Arduino data from one successful AEV run with current group design
  • Test the performance of each of the two current design options
  • Have code written up to a testable point


  • Madeleine will write the experimental methodology and assist Lauren with the discussion/results
  • Lauren will write the discussion/results with the help of Madeleine  
  • Beth will write the executive summary and introduction
  • Alejandra will write the conclusion and recommendations along with the appendix
  • Alejandra will have written testable code for lab on Friday

Date: 03/24/17

Time: 4:24 PM (face-to-face)

Members Present: All members

Topics Discussed: Performance Tests 1 & 2


Discuss plans for completing performance tests 1 & 2 next week.

To Do/Action Items:

  • Design schedule to ensure there is enough time to finish what is left of performance test 1 without falling behind on performance test 2 by the end of lab on 03/30.


  • Schedule enough time to finish both tests by 03/30 (Thursday) next week.

Design Concepts – Lab 3

In previous labs, two different designs were tested on the straight track in order to compare the pros and cons of both designs. The reference design was the design given in the lab manual to be used for certain tasks while the design was being implemented, and the second design was a vertical design with the propellers at the back of the AEV and the equipment of the AEV attached vertically as well. A vertical design was chosen to be tested due to the team’s desire to potentially implement a vertical design. Using scoring matrix and the concept screening tables, the team found that the vertical AEV was more balanced and was able to complete the given tasks more efficiently than the horizontal reference design. From these results, the team decided on implementing their vertical design that encases the motor, Arduino, and battery with the propellers also vertical at the end of the AEV.

Table 1: Scoring Matrix

Table 2: Concept Screening

Weekly Schedule

Team Meeting Notes


Date: 03/09/17

Time: 3:00 PM (face-to-face)

Members Present: All members

Topics Discussed: Submitting Solidworks files


Discuss the process for submitting Solidworks files for printing and cutting.

To Do/Action Items:

  • Submit frame body file
  • Submit laser cutting panel files


  • Alejandra submits files before Spring Break


Date: 03/08/17

Time: 4:20 PM (chats)

Members Present: All members

Topics Discussed: Lab 6 Progress Report


Discuss plans for completing this week’s Progress report. Strategy for submission.

To Do/Action Items:

  • Finish Lab 6 Progress report
  • Confirm completion in group message
  • Submit to Carmen


  • Each member confirm completion of individual part
  • Finish report by Thursday night
  • Last member to confirm completion submits report to Carmen


System Analysis and Design Analysis Tool – Labs 6 & 7

From uploading the AEV run and uploading the results into MATLAB, data including voltage, current, power, distance, position, and time of run. These data results were used to calculate energy of the run and the power exhibited. From these calculations, a graph of supplied power over time was created. Figure one displays the phase breakdown of the supplied power over time and figure two shows the graph of the supplied power over time without the phase breakdown.These plots can aid the team’s coding strategy because the team now knows which parts of the code exhibit the most amount of power and therefore those parts can be minimized or used sparingly to make the AEV as proficient with its power usage as possible.

Figure 1A: Current Design Phase Breakdown

Figure 1B: Horizontal Design Phase Breakdown


Figure 2A: Supplied Energy over Time for the Second Design

Figure 2B: Energy Analysis over Time for Design One

Weekly Schedule

Team Meeting Notes

Date: 02/16/17

Time:  9:10 PM (chats)

Members Present: All members

Topics Discussed: Lab 5 Progress Report


Discuss plans for completing this week’s Progress report.

To Do/Action Items:

  • Create graphs
  • Analyze data collected during lab
  • Complete individual calculations and role descriptions


  • Beth and Lauren produce and insert graphs
  • Finish report by Friday night