Performance Test 3

The day of performance test 3, the group’s goals were to complete at least 1 recorded successful test run. The group planned to continue to improve consistency and accuracy until the final recorded test run. Before any test runs had been started the group noticed one of the wires had come disconnected for the Arduino. This wire was reconnected and the group began testing. After the wire had been reconnected there was a large jump in consistency and accuracy. Details in the code were edited until the group felt confident that a recorded test run would be successfully completed. The AEV successfully completed the mission with the only error being passing the stopping point on its return with the cargo.


Performance Test 2

For performance test 2, the group tested two sets of Arduino code. The first code was based on time, while the second code was based on position. Both codes are shown below. The goals of the tests were to increase consistency and number of consecutive successful test runs. After having the AEV complete the first half of the mission using the code based on time, the group decided that using time as a parameter was decreasing consistency rather than increasing it. While using time as a parameter the number of consecutive successful test runs also decreased. The group decided to continue developing the code based on position for this reason.


Arduino Code

/*Code based on time*/






 goFor(2); // time coasting



 goFor(.5);  //time in reverse


 goFor(9);  //gate to open

















/*Code based on Position*/




 goToAbsolutePosition(253);  //brake to first gate


 goFor(2); // time coasting



 goFor(.5);  //time in reverse


 goFor(8);  //gate to open















