Third Chip Design (Bonus)

This third chip design is intended to determine the lower concentration of fluorescein (lower than 75 ppm). To achieve this purpose, the detection well was enlarged so that more fluorescein can be excited and detected by the photodetector. Besides that, the design is also improved to reduce problems with air bubbles and back flow. The channel to waste well was enlarged to make the fluid flow towards the waste well. One of the staging wells and its check valve were changed to tear-drop shape which will prevent back flow. The other circular staging well have circular check valve and curved channel to test another possible design. The two channels form staging wells to detection well have the same circular check valve before the detection well, so that the fluid in the detection well will not experience back flow towards the staging well.

Third Chip Design


Third Chip Calibration Chart

 After several testing, the calibration equation was chosen to be the equation by Trial 4


The following are the documents about this chip design: