Lab 07: System Analysis 3

The objective of this lab was to conduct testing on the electric motor and propeller in a wind tunnel, and to analyze the wind tunnel testing results to understand wind tunnel and thrust stand equipment as well as propulsion system efficiency. This understanding of propulsion system efficiency is crucial in designing a push or pull configuration for the AEV that is able to function in the most ideal speeds programmed to move around Jurassic Park. The wind tunnel is shown in the figure below.


Lab 7 Wind Tunnel

Figure 1: Wind Tunnel


The figures below display the two motor configurations in the wind tunnel.


Lab 7 Pull

Figure 2: Pull (Tractor) Configuration


Lab7 Push

Figure 3: Push Configuration


The figures below exhibit the different equipment used to gather data from the wind tunnel.


Lab 7 Wind Tunnel Speed

Figure 4: Wind Speed Controller


Lab 7 Wind Tunnel Speed Indicator

Figure 5: Wind Speed Indicator


Lab 7 Arduino Control System

Figure 6: Arduino Control System


Lab 7 Power Supply

Figure 7: Power Supply


The graphs below describes the power available versus the RPM and the propulsion efficiency versus the advance ratio for each propeller type we used in lab along with the motor configuration.


Lab 7 Power vs. RPM graph

Figure 8



Lab 7 Propulsion Efficiency vs. Advance Ratio

Figure 9


The tables below show the wind tunnel data and indicates the propeller and motor configuration.


Table 1: Wind Tunnel Data with Propeller EP 2510 Pull Configuration

Current (amps) Thrust Scale Reading (grams) RPM Arduino Power Setting (%)
0.19 1783 0 0
0.3  1866 1856 10
0.39 1881 2934 15
0.49 1930 3892 20
0.59 1971 4670 25
0.69 2021 5508 30
0.79 2064 6287 35
0.9 2113 7005 40
0.98 2170 7604 45
1.07 2235 8263 50
1.16 2310 8922 55


Table 2: Wind Tunnel Data with Propeller with EP 2510 Push Configuration

Current (amps) Thrust Reading Scale (grams) RPM ArduinoPower Setting (%)
0 159.6 0 0
0.09 159.2 2095 10
0.18 159.2 3293 15
0.27 159.8 4431 20
0.35 160.2 5508 25
0.44 161.6 6706 30
0.51 162.7 7904 35
0.57 164.3 9101 40
0.62 165.9 10179 45
0.67 167.7 11377 50
0.71 169.6 12514 55
0.78 172.3 13473 60


Table 3: Wind Tunnel Data with Propeller EP 3030 Pull Configuration

Current (amps) Thrust Scale Reading (grams) RPM Aruino Power Setting (%)
0.2 163.2 0 0
0.3 162.1 1856 10
0.4 164.5 2934 15
0.49 167.7 3952 20
0.59 172.3 4730 25
0.69 177.4 5568 30
0.79 183.4 6287 35
0.89 190.1 7065 40
0.98 196.4 7724 45
1.08 203.4 8323 50
1.17 211 8982 55
1.19 220 9760 60


Table 4: Wind Tunnel Data with Propeller EP 3030 Push Configuration

Current (amps) Thrust Scale Reading (grams) RPM Arduino Power Setting (%)
0.04 188.5 0 0
0.16 186 2035 10
0.26 188.3 2934 15
0.37 191.5 3772 20
0.47 194.8 4550 25
0.58 199.5 5269 30
0.69 205.3 5988 35
0.8 211.7 6526 40
0.89 218.5 7245 45
0.99 226.5 7964 50
1.1 234.5 8622 55
1.23 242.1 9221 60


We also had many equations to calculate the parameters.


Calibrated Thrust          Tc=0.411*(T-T0), where Tc=Calibrated Thrust (grams), T=Thrust Scale Reading (grams), and T0=Thrust Scale Reading at 0% power (grams)

Power Input                    Pin=V*I*(P%/100), where Pin=Power Input (watts), V=Voltage (volts), I=Current (amps), P%=Arduino Power Setting

Power Available            Pout=Tc*v, where Pout=Power Available (watts), Tc=Calibrated Thrust (Newton), and v=Wind Tunnel Velocity (m/s)

Thrust                             m*a (Newton), where m=mass (kg)  and a=acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2)

Propulsion Efficiency    ηsys=(Pout/Pin)*100%, where ηsys=Propulsion Efficiency, Pout=Power out (watts), and Pin=Power in (watts)

In the final System Analysis Lab, the AEV was tested in a wind tunnel to determine its propulsion efficiency. Parameters used in this lab introduced in the previous lab include velocity and RPM, which the propulsion efficiency depended on. New parameters, such as calibrated thrust, power input, and power available all contribute to ascertain the propulsion efficiency. Unit conversions were provided and utilized to calculate the new parameters. By examining carefully the power expended in relation to the distance yielded from it, it is possible to maximize the AEV’s efficiency in the presence of different factors, including wind and propeller configuration specifically tested in this lab.

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