Our test plan is designed based on our testing methodology. Below we have a Verification Score Card which shows how our overall results will go. We have the previous four test cases from course example to test common requirement for the prototype. A three-brake test under slow, normal and fast speed to record the time that takes the brake to stop the prototype in order to test the overall safety of the vehicle. We also make a test to calculate the energy used in each run to meet our system requirement for saving energy, which is the most important test for us. The stability test deals with safety and is used to test how our prototype performs in a high speed, by setting our engine to high efficiency and examining if the vehicle will go out of the track or experiencing any kind of problems. For the load test, we make our prototype carry a caboose using the magnetic attraction. Lastly, we compare the travel time of our designed route to test the efficiency of our application’s suggestions. This deals with our need of arriving on time. We will set a couple of points to stop our prototype for simulating the waiting time in the intersections by coding a set of different programs in Arduino.