Team Meetings

Meeting 1

Date: 09/04/2017 

Time: 6:30 pm (Face-To-Face) 

Members Present: – Hanfei Sun, Paul Fairbanks, Rohan Binoy, John Spurney 

Topics Discussed: Lab 1 Post-Lab, Lab 2 Prep 


The main focus of today’s meeting was to discuss the basic layout and content of the website and to delegate tasks for the development of different aspects of the website to different team members. 

TO DO / Action Items: 

-Team Meeting Minutes document (JS, HS). 

-Website Update 1 (PF, RPB, HS). 

-Decide what information needs to be included in the contact information section (Everyone). 


-The team decided to Include each member’s name, OSU email, a picture, and major in the contact information tab of the website. 

-The team chose the active theme “Ohio State Dark” because of its simplicity (suggested by JS). 

-It is too early to assign specific tasks to group members. When work needs to be done it will be coordinated through GroupMe. 


-Dividing workload is an effective approach. 

-Technical communication guide is a helpful resource. 

 Meeting 2

Date: 9/18/17

Time: 8:00

Members present: Paul Fairbanks, John Spurney, Hanfei Sun, Rohan Binoy

Topics discused: Oral Presentation

Objective: The main objective of meeting two was to complete website update 2, and decide which aspects of the concept drawings the team liked the best


-Upload arduino codes (HS)

-Upload photos of sketchs (RB)

-Unify goals and priorites for AEV build and design (JS)

-Team minutes (PF)


-The team decided to use only two motors in the final design of the AEV

-The team decided to use a single nose cone on the front of the AEV for aerodynamic purposes


-Compromising on design aspects of the AEV is essential when working with a group

 Meeting 3

Date: 9/25/2017

Time: 8:30 PM (Face-To-Face)

Members present: Paul Fairbanks, John Spurney, Hanfei Sun, Rohan Binoy

Topics discussed: Progress Report 1, deliverables in preliminary R&D, advanced R&D preview


Today the team will talk about the deliverables for the preliminary R&D. This includes all the five lab parts, a finished progress report 1, the two topics that the team will be working on in future labs, and the general AEV development process.


  • Team meeting minutes (JS, HS, RB, PF)
  • Finish progress report 1 (JS, HS, RB, PF)
  • Choose two topics that the team will focus for the future advanced R&D (JS, HS, RB, PF)
  • Prepare for upcoming committee meeting (JS, HS, RB, PF)


  • The team preferred to choose coasting vs. power braking and alternative propulsion as the two topics for future AEV development and advanced R&D topics.


It’s essential to stop and take breaks during the process of creating the AEV. Breaks allow for a relaxed mind so that better decisions can be made.

-Compromising on design aspects of the AEV is essential when working with a group

 Meeting 4

Date: 10/16/2017

Time: 8:30 PM (Online)

Members present: Paul Fairbanks, John Spurney, Hanfei Sun, Rohan Binoy

Topics discussed: Oral Presentation


Today the team talked about dividing the work load for the oral presentation and website updates.


  • Team meeting minutes 4 (JS, HS, RB, PF)
  • Prepare for Oral Presentation (JS, HS, RB, PF)
  • Website update 3 (JS, HS, RB, PF)


  • Each team member will be responsible for one tab on the website.
  • Each team member is responsible for part of the presentation.


Working remotely is a viable option when our schedules do not allow for meeting in person.

 Meeting 5

Date: 10/30/2017

Time: 8:30 PM (Online)

Members present: Paul Fairbanks, John Spurney, Hanfei Sun, Rohan Binoy

Topics discussed: Progress Report 2


Today the team talked about dividing the work load for the second progress report, we also talked about optimizing the AEV for performance test 2.


  • Optimize AEV design for speed (JS, HS, RB, PF)
  • Finish up progress report 2 (JS, HS, RB, PF)


  • Each team member will be responsible for one section.
  • One team member will submit it at the end.


The current belt drive AEV design has lots of potential, during testing we only used a portion of its potential by setting a slow speed.

 Meeting 6 

Date: 11/16/2017

Time: 8:30 PM (Online)

Members present: Paul Fairbanks, John Spurney, Hanfei Sun, Rohan Binoy

Topics discussed: Progress Report 3


Today the team talked about dividing the work load for the third progress report, we also talked about optimizing the AEV for the final performance test.


  • Optimize AEV design for speed and energy (JS, HS, RB, PF)
  • Finish up progress report 3 (JS, HS, RB, PF)


  • Each team member will be responsible for one section.
  • One team member will submit it at the end.


The current belt drive AEV design has lots of potential for when it comes to saving energy with the newly modified belt drive design.