Both concept screening and concept scoring are tools to evaluate the succes of an AEV design as compared to the base one. The concept screening matix is a lot simpler in nature than the scoring matrix. The screening matrix uses 0’s, +’s, and -‘s to evaluate. If the AEV being scored is worse in a certian criteria then it gets a -, if it is just as good it gets a 0, and if it is better than the base AEV it gets a +. The Concept Scoring matrix isdifferent because it uses a rating of 1-5 and weighting system that is different for each criteria.
Each AEV design was judged against the following 5 criteria:
- Stability – The AEV must be able to move down the track smoothly.
- Minimal Blockage – The AEV must be aerodynamically effiecient.
- Maintenance – The AEV must be quick and easy to maintain.
- Durability – The AEV must be able to be handeled without risk of damage.
- Safety – The AEV must be safe to operate and be around.
As can be seen from the two scoring matrices John and Henry’s designs scored the best. For this reason the final iteration of our AEV was closest to John and Henry’s design. Certian aspects however, were taken from each team member.