The purpose of lab 8 was to make an Advanced Efficiency Vehicle that completes the mission using the least amount of energy. The AEV should first and foremost be able to complete the mission objective. It should stop at the gate, continue, pick up the cargo, stop at the gate again, and successfully deliver the cargo. It should also be able to make consistent runs in a reasonable period of time. It is imperative that the AEV does this as efficiently as possible, so multiple designs needed to be tested, compared, and ranked so the most effective design could be selected to better fit the criteria of the mission. This was done by testing multiple designs, and comparing the total power use for each configuration on successful runs. After testing two separate designs and comparing the values that were measured, the engineers saw that their first configuration used less energy to complete the identical task. This design is now the team’s new base model going forward.
Table 1: Concept Screening and Scoring Matrix
Table 2: Breakdown of Supplied Energy for Design One
Table 3: Team Meeting Schedule
Image 1: AEV Design
Team Meeting Notes:
Date: 27–April–2016
Time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Members Present: Kailee Gulbin (KG), Ben Reed (BR), Paul Conway (PC), Grant Miller (GM)
Topics Discussed: Performance Test 1 Memo
Today’s main focuses were meeting as a team to discuss how to prepare an Memo for Performance Test 1, compiling the data, and discussing which design was most effective during testing this week.
To do: (KG)
-Memo (PC, KG, GM, BR)
-The u.osu page was not finished completely, need to uploading the memo when completed, and adding figures and tables.
-The memo is not complete. Need to finish writing the analysis and inputting the data.