AEV Design Project: Group M

The Mission: The Advance Energy Vehicle (AEV) project was devised to illustrate teamwork, project management, the design process, and proper project documentation. A typical AEV is less than 500 grams, powered by an electric motor, and driven by propellers. The AEV is tested along a monorail placedĀ along the laboratory ceiling. The AEV itself was constructed using elements provided in a lab kit, and guidelines outlined in the Mission Concept Review. To test the performance and efficiency of the AEV, a series of labs and performance tests were conducted covering topics such as propulsion performance, system efficiency, automatic control programming, and energy efficiency. Based on the results collected in the labs and performance tests, the best design was chosen and modified until the guidelines were met.

Group Members:

Paul Conway

Kailee Gulbin

Grant Miller

Ben Reed