Date: 03-Apr-2017
Time: 3 pm-4:30 pm
Attendees: Terry, Garrett, Affifi, Pablo
Content: Preparations for AEV testing and design were continued.
Completed Objectives:
- The AEV was rebuilt with a new possible configuration.
- Code was near completely developed.
- Scheduled a future meeting for the team
Objectives to be Completed:
- Code requires finishing touches.
- Design can still be improved.
Date: 11-Apr-2017
Time: 4 pm-5:00 pm
Attendees: Terry, Garrett, Affifi
Content: CDR, Project Portfolio, and presentation were discussed and worked upon.
Completed Objectives:
- Code was laid out.
- Sections of CDR were completed.
- Presentation slides were laid out.
- Portfolio was drafted and filled out.
Objectives to be Completed:
- Final touches to portfolio.
- Polishing the presentation.
- CDR needs to be finished.