Lab 3

In the next week, the team’s primary goal is to finalize a concept/design for the AEV model. Although the team members all brainstormed their individual designs and ideas for how to improve the vehicle individually, the team has yet to come to a consensus on a design. Likely the team will discuss and implement individual components and design improvements from each concept rather than pick a single concept. Also important is testing the prototype AEV – while many teams have been able to write code and test their prototype models on the hanging track, this team has been slower to move forward and has yet to test their prototype. While building the actual prototype should be simple, the code will likely be challenging and will require attention from all teammates. This step is both necessary and vitally important to the function of the AEV, as the team has only tested their code in closed environments – never before on a complete track with a complete model. This will be the team’s first time directly observing how the code impacts the function and behavior of the AEV. Given past difficulties with the Arduino system and slow progress over the past two labs, the team will have to move quickly on this step in order to progress to the construction of their agreed-upon AEV design. As a longer-term goal, it is important for the team to start thinking about modeling and printing part designs via SolidWorks. Now that the team members are all familiar with the software, this should be fairly simple, but obviously it is important to make sure there are no mistakes or delays in this process, as without the right parts the team’s AEV cannot function as designed. As usual, the website and progress report need to be updated for the next week, although now that the team has gone through the process several times this should be an easy task.

Team Notes

February 8 2017 – Lab 3

Teammates present: Iskandar Roslen, Jacob Jeffers, Abhishekh Kumar, Vince Le


  • The team had two objectives to fulfill today. The first is to finish Lab 2 and confirm that the reflectance sensor is working correctly. The second is to complete engineering drawings for individual ideas for the AEV.


  • Who takes lab kit this week
    • Abhishekh volunteered to take lab kit

To-do/Action items:

  • Finalize AEV design and create engineering drawing with dimensions
  • Begin to determine what materials are needed to construct the final AEV and how to source them



  • This week went well for the team. All objectives were able to be fulfilled. The team is ready to do prototype testing and begin modeling AEV components.
