Final Test Results

Final Test Results

Critical Design Report


Preliminary Design Report


Performance Test 3

For Performance Test 3, the team attempted to get the direct drive model to work but ran into several detrimental issues. In order for the direct drive to work the team needed a specific belt loop to connect the two…

Performance Test 2

For Performance Test 2, the team performed troubleshooting on the light sensors, developed two different sets of code, and worked on constructing the team’s direct drive model. The team created a program to test the direct drive model on the…

Performance Test 1

For Performance Test 1, the team tested two different models: the sample AEV and the team’s chosen design from the concept screening and scoring lab. The team created two different Arduino programs to compare the performance of the two AEVs….

Lab 7 Results

In Lab 7, the team gave an oral presentation in preparation for the Preliminary Design Report. Each team member discussed a different aspect of the AEV project so far. The presentation covered prototype designs, the current status of the design,…

Lab 6 Results

In lab 6 the team began work on the Preliminary Design Review Presentation and the PDR itself. The presentation can be found here, or under Visual Aids. The team also discussed the upcoming lab proficiency quiz and presentation dates.

Lab 5 Results

Lab 5 consisted of the team creating Concept Screening Scoresheets and a Concept Scoring Matrix to establish which AEV design will be used going forward. The team tested four individual designs, each one created by a team member, for six…

Lab 4 Results

Lab 4 consisted of the team writing an experimental code to move the AEV from the start, to the gate and back to the start. The AEV recorded its supplied power as it moved along the track, the team exported…