Archived Documents

This page is for storing all of the team documents.
Lab 1 Arduino Programming Basics
Lab 1 was focused on getting used to and testing the Arduino. Important takeaways were knowledge of the basic commands necessary to run the motors.

Lab 1 Progress Report-25r7ip6

Lab 2 Coding and Sketchbook
Lab 2 was focused on becoming familiar with the Arduino code and the AEV sketchbook commands. Important takeaways were the reflectance sensor tests and information for determining the distance traveled by the AEV.

Lab 2 Progress Report-1r5hxpg

Lab 3 Creative Design Thinking
In Lab 3, each group member thought of and sketched a design for a possible AEV. Each design will contain features that the team may decide to improve apon fo the final design. Important takeaways were a clear direction in which the team would move for the final design of the AEV.

Lab 3 Progress Report PDF-1tb1scq

Lab 4 Concept Design
In Lab 4, The group learned how to use the System and design analysis tools to view improvements. The important takeaway is a tool to empirically measure performance of the vehicle.

Lab 4 Progress Report-1n8gypv

Lab 5 Data Analysis
Lab 5 was focused on teaching the groups how to compare each different designs and decide what works best for the team’s goals. Important takeaways are knowledge of how to use screening and scoring matrices and a fleshed out final design.

Lab 5 Progress Report-2fllq5z

Score report for designs

Design scoring table-2jeme5c

Lab 6 Design Comparison
Lab 6 was The halfway checkpoint for the teams. The team worked on completing the PDR and summarizing the first half of testing.

Lab 6 Progress Report-1usvdzh

Preliminary Design Report
Document summarizing the first half of testing and outlining the future schedule and goals for the team


Lab 8 Design optimization
In Lab 8, The team took two different designs and compared them directly based on the data retrieved with the analysis tool. The important takeaway is being able to move forward with the better of two designs.

Progress Report 9A (1)-unt5dh

Lab 9 Code optimization
Lab 9 focused on having the group compare the results of two different codes to use with the AEV. The important takeaway is a more efficient code.

Lab Report 10 (1)-2irdnmv

Lab 10 Energy optimization
In Lab 10 the group used the optimized design and code and made slight alterations in order to improve energy efficiency. The important takeaway is a more efficient, finalized code to use in final testing

Progress Report 11 probably-28fwfun

Comprehensive Design Report
This final document details the entire course of the project from start to finish, including information on the final run and takeaways from the project.

CDR (1)-1d757cx

Various design sketches from throughout the project
