Below are notes and takeaways from each week (Meeting 1: lab 1-2 to Meeting 10: lab 10-11).
Work schedules from each week can be found at the bottom of the page.
Meeting 1
[No Official Team Meeting at Any Location]
Objective: Introduction to group and project
- Upcoming Tasks
- Portfolio
- Assemble equipment
- Test reflectance sensors
- Test Pusher vs. Puller propeller
- Progress report
- Tasks completed recently
- Assemble equipment
- Code tasks 1 & 2
- Set up E-portfolio
- Progress report
- Reflections/decisions:
- Decisions were group consensus
- Introduction to team members, each can contribute to team with different talents
- There have been no missed deadlines.
Meeting 2
[No Official Team Meeting at Any Location]
Objective: Plan for upcoming week and document past week
- Upcoming Tasks
- Portfolio
- Create individual ideas
- Develop Group Design
- Progress report
- Tasks completed recently
- Task 1 coding
- Equipment assembly
- Propeller testing
- Propeller data calculations
- Progress report
- Reflections/decisions:
- Decisions were group consensus
- The wind tunnel malfunctioned
- 3030 Puller is most efficient and should be used on AEV
- There have been no missed deadlines.
Meeting 3
Location: Hitchcock 324
Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Objective: Develop group design, including measurements and cost
- Upcoming Tasks
- Portfolio
- Program test run
- Download Arduino data
- Analyze data & perform calculations for energy usage
- Progress report
- Tasks completed recently
- Individual designs created
- Group design
- Group design cost calculated
- AEV measured
- Progress report
- Reflections/decisions:
- Decisions were group consensus
- The group consensus is centered around an aerodynamic shell for the design
- A better meeting location needs to be found. Hitchcock 324 is too crowded and loud
- There have been no missed deadlines.
Meeting 4
[No Official Team Meeting at Any Location]
Objective: Complete progress report and discuss AEV
- Upcoming Tasks
- Code AEV and Test
- Concept discussions
- Concept Screening & Scoring Matrix
- Progress report
- Tasks completed recently
- Code test run
- upload data
- analyze on excel and MATLAB
- Individual calculations
- Progress report
- Reflections/decisions:
- Decisions were group consensus
- Data can be used to analyze energy efficiency of AEV
- Move forward with SOLIDWORKS development
- AEV code will have to be modified if we use Servo brake
- There have been no missed deadlines.
Meeting 5
[No Official Team Meeting at Any Location]
Objective: Discuss AEV design
- Upcoming Tasks
- Portfolio
- PowerPoint for PDR
- SOLIDWORKS model development
- Progress report
- Tasks completed recently
- Coding and testing AEV
- Concept Discussion
- Concept Screening Matrix
- Concept Scoring Matrix
- Extra credit video watching/storyboard
- Progress report
- Reflections/decisions:
- Decisions were group consensus
- Debate over weather team should go with vertical or horizontal alignment of propellers
- There have been no missed deadlines.
Meeting 6
Team did not meet this week, information in next week’s notes
Meeting 7
[No Official Team Meeting at Any Location]
Objective: Plan Designs to test
- Upcoming Tasks
- Test 1 vs. 2 motors
- Test horizontal vs. vertical alignment of Arduino and battery
- Print AEV
- Attach servo and test braking
- Progress report
- Tasks completed recently
- Design rethought
- Shell dropped
- Vertical design
- One propeller possibility
- AEV Design ready for printing
- Progress report
- Oral Presentation-PDR
- Reflections/decisions:
- Decisions were group consensus
- There is still debate over whether the group should go with a vertical or horizontal alignment of the propellers.
- Testing time needs to be utilized fully.
- Hard to test custom design without product.
- There have been no missed deadlines.
Meeting 8
[No Official Team Meeting at Any Location]
Objective: Address issues for coming week
- Upcoming Tasks (see Table 1 above)
- Test 1 motor with new caboose
- Optimize weight distribution on new arm
- Attach servo and test braking
- Progress report
- Tasks completed recently
- Design printed
- One propeller is optimal (may change with new caboose)
- Coasting is more efficient
- Progress report
- Reflections/decisions:
- Decisions were group consensus
- New caboose poses a threat to testing thus far
- There have been no missed deadlines.
Meeting 9
[No Official Team Meeting at Any Location]
Objective: Refine AEV code and design
- Upcoming Tasks
- Fine tune code for energy efficiency
- Optimize docking procedure
- Clean up AEV
- CDR Oral Report Draft
- CDR Preparations
- Tasks completed recently
- Brake attached
- Brake code successfully implemented
- Center of mass on AEV altered for improved balance
- PDR complete
- AEV successful in completing circuit around track following guidelines from MCR
- Reflections/decisions:
- Decisions were group consensus
- There have been no missed deadlines.
- We are ahead of schedule
Meeting 10
[No Official Team Meeting at Any Location]
Objective: Refine AEV code and design
- Upcoming Tasks (see Table 1 above)
- Fine tune code for energy efficiency
- Fix problems with Arduino (see reflections below)
- CDR Preparations
- Tasks completed recently (see Table 2 in Appendix for timeline)
- Docking fine tuned
- Design finalized
- Efficiency analyzed
- CDR draft
- AEV code successful in completing circuit around track following guidelines from MCR
- Reflections/decisions:
- Decisions were group consensus
- There have been no missed deadlines.
- A majority the time, after pressing start, the AEV motors will twitch and cease to operate without running the code
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
see week 7
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11