Week 10 was supposed to be spent on optimizing and finalizing code. On the first day, group members worked on the code. Successful runs had already been completed, so time was spent minimizing energy usage and maximizing reliability. However, the remainder of the week was mostly at a standstill. The Arduino began completely shutting down when trying to turn the servo. Diagnostics were done by unplugging or removing every part to see what caused the error. It was determined to be the servo motor, and the Arduino only functioned properly with the servo unplugged. However, this was not acceptable, as the AEV relies on the servo to stop. Further investigation had to be done with the help of the instructors and TAs.
1) The Arduino is malfunctioning a majority of the time with the servo plugged in
2) The AEV code is successful when the Arduino does not crash
3) Power over 60% is harmful to the motor
Link to full progress report: