
Glossary of Function Calls:

  1. celerate(m,p1,p2,t); – Accelerates or decelerates motor(s) m from start speed (%) p1 to end speed (%) p2 over a duration of t seconds
  2. motorSpeed(m,p); – Initializes motor(s) m at percent power p
  3. goFor(t); – Runs the motor(s) at their initialized state for t seconds
  4. brake(m); – Brakes motor(s) m (does not brake AEV, just stops the motors from spinning)
  5. reverse(m); – Reverses the polarity of motor(s) m
  6.  goToRelativePosition(n); – Continues the previous command for n marks from the vehicle’s current position. n can be positive or negative, with positive meaning the vehicle is moving forward, negative meaning the vehicle is moving backward.
  7. goToAbsolutePosition(n); – Continues the previous command for n marks relative to the overall starting position of the AEV.


  1. celerate(1,20,45,2); – Accelerates motor 1 from 20% to 45% power in 2 seconds
  2. motorSpeed(2,16); – Sets motor 2 speed to 16% power
  3. goFor(5); – Runs the motor(s) at their initialized state for 5 seconds
  4. brake(4); – Cuts the power to all motors
  5. reverse(1); – Reverses polarity of motor 1
  6. motorSpeed(4,20); goToRelativePosition(30); – All motos are set to 20% power, and they will continue to run at 20% power until the AEV reachers 30 marks from its current position
  7. motorSpeed(4,20); goToAbsolutePosition(300); – All motors are set to 20% power, and they will continue to run at 20% power until the AEV reaches 300 marks from its starting position

Progress Report:

Progress Report 1

Progress Report 2

Progress Report 3


Gudmundsson, S. (2016). General aviation aircraft design: Applied methods and procedures. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-397308-5.00014-3

The Ohio State University Advanced Energy Vehicle Design Project: Mission Concept Review (MCR) and Deliverables. Retrieved from

The Ohio State University Advanced Energy Vehicle Design Project: Lab Manual Preliminary Research and Design. Retrieved from

The Ohio State University Advanced Energy Vehicle Design Project: Lab Manual Advanced Research and Development. Retrieved from