Track Variants

Group J has decided to research the variations of the tracks because each track is slightly different from the next track. All the tracks are not the exact same and these differences are bound to lead to difference results during tests. The goal of the group is to test the variations and conclude what compensations will be needed for each track.

Current AEV Findings:

Before initial tests were carried out, differences among the tracks were seen with the naked eye. Faults in the tracks design and construction can be seen with close observation. Each track has different variations, for example one track can be seen to be more steep than the others. During the initial tests, it was observed that the AEV would go faster or slower on different tracks. The AEV would sometimes be unable to cross the steep part on one track but is able to cross it on a different track. It was also seen that certain tracks are not completely smooth and have bumps which would greatly impact the speed of the AEV. After the initial tests and the data from the AEV was collected, it was observed that the speed of the AEV varied on different tracks. Also the distance traveled by the AEV varied on each track.

Currently we are unable to test the variations of the tracks with newly designed AEV because the parts we need to have 3-D printed have not yet been delivered yet. When the part has been delivered, the group will test the tracks that have conditions which are ideal for speed and time.



Lecture Room Tests:











Lab Room Tests: