Performance Analysis Tools (Lab 3)


A simple code was written and the AEV was placed on the track. The data the Arduino collected while on the track was then downloaded through Matlab software in order to analyze AEV performance. This lab was done to get familiar with Matlab analysis. Two different graphs were created and analyzed.

celerate(4,0,25,3);//accelerate motors from 0% to 25% power in 3 seconds
goFor(1);//keep motors at 25% for 1 second
motorSpeed(4,20);//set all 4 motors to 20% power
goFor(2);//keep motors at 20% power for 2 seconds
reverse(4);//set all motors to rotate in opposite direction
motorSpeed(4,25);//set all 4 motors to 25% power
goFor(2);//keep motors at 25% power for 2 seconds
brake(4);//turn off all 4 motors



Graph explanation:

Power over time:

The power hits each constant plane when the motors complete a command and they are just running that command. The peak is when the motors have to stop and reverse the direction of the propeller’s spinning direction. The larger the percentage of power in the command, the higher the power goes.

Power over Distance:

The distance would change depending on how many marks the AEV is from the origin. Simply spinning the sensor wheel makes the distance increase. If the wheel was spun the opposite direction, distance would decrease since the car is moving closer to the origin. Power mostly remained constant as the distance increased, then peaked again with the reverse of the propellers, and finally lost some distance when the AEV rolled backwards slightly.