Lab 9 – Performance Test 2

Description of Code: This is one of the codes that completes the mission. This code runs the AEV until the gate, where it stops for about 5 seconds before it runs again. It connects with R2D2, the cargo, and waits for about 5 seconds again before stopping at the gate for another five seconds. After passing through the gate with the cargo, the AEV slowly comes back to the beginning.

 //reverse all motors                                                                       



 //run motors at 21 power until 300 marks                                                                                                                       







 //runs backwards at 24 power for 2 seconds                                                                                          




 //brake all motors                                                                     



 //wait time at gate                                                                                          



//gates open

 //reverse motors to be put back into pusher mode                                                                       



 //run motors at 35 power for two seconds                                                                                                     




 //runs motor at 20 power until 640 marks                                                                              




 //coasts to R2D2                                                                                                                                                           



 //waits at R2D2                                                                     



 //reverse motors into puller mode                                                                  



 //runs motors at 36 power until 590 marks                                     




 //runs motors at 21 power until 510 marks                                                                                            




 //brakes motors and coasts until 490 marks                         




//reverse motors to act as a brake



 //goes into pusher mode softly at 16 power for 2 seconds                                           




 //back into puller mode



 //waits at gate                                                                                




 //gates open                                                                  

 //return to start                                                                         


 //runs all motor at 35 power until 145 marks                                                                             

 motorSpeed(4, 35);                                                                        



 //coasts until the beginning                                                        
