Lab 4 – External Sensors & Rapid Prototyping Details

Lab 4 pic

The purpose of this lab was to install reflectance sensors that can measure the distance traveled by the AEV. This lab also introduced the commands that can be used to control the vehicle using the sensors. The commands “goToAbolutePosition” and “goToRelativePosition” use the information from the sensors to track the position of the AEV. The installation of the sensors gave the team insight on how the sensors operate on the AEV.  After completing this lab, the team is more familiar with the new set of commands and the technology used on the vehicle.

This lab shows the errors that can occur when using the sensors. The team now has insight on the installation process of the sensors, and how to use the commands of the sensors for the final code.


Previous Lab – Lab 3: Screening and Scoring
Next Lab – Lab 5: System Analysis 1