Lab 2 – Arduino Programming Basics

In lab 2, the team learned about the five basic function calls that will be used for the project. The lab used the motors, propellers, and the Arduino. The team was provided with two scenarios and were given the choice to choose one between the two. The team decided with Scenario 2. A link to the code for Scenario 2 and the function calls can be found below.

The purpose of this lab was to set up the AEV software, and to become familiar with writing and loading programs onto the Arduino. This lab introduced the basics of how to work with the Arduino and the basic commands that will be used to control the motors. The team now has a basic understanding of how the code writing process works.

By completing the lab, the team gained insight into how the code writing process works. The team also analyzed the effects of the commands on the motors, and how the resistance in them is present. Overall, the team now has experience with the software and has a basic understanding of the system.


Previous Lab – Lab 1: Creative Design
Next Lab – Lab 3: Screening and Scoring