

Meeting #4 (Lab 3)


Date: 5-Feb-2016

Time: 5:00 pm(Face-to-Face)

Members Present: Aisha Iftikhar(AI), Chen Ling(CL), Zhen Tian(ZT), Zihan Zhang(ZZ)

Topics Discussed: Current Group’s AEV Design Performance & Feasible Improvements


The group shall complete Concept Screening Matrix and Concept Scoring Matrix to evaluate all aspects of current AEV design and provide possible enhance suggestions.

To do/Action Items:

  • Evaluating Current Conceptional Design of Group’s AEV(AI, CL, ZT, ZZ)
  • Outline for Executive Summary(AI, CL, ZT, ZZ)


The group found the direction of AEV’s arm is opposite and decided to change this design.


  • Concept Scoring Matrix provides a quantified method to evaluate advantages and shortcomings of groups AEV design. This is a efficient way to improve performance of AEV.

Meeting #5 (Lab 4)


Date: 12-Feb-2016

Time: 3:30 pm(Face-to-Face)

Members Present: Chen Ling(CL), Zhen Tian(ZT), Zihan Zhang(ZZ)

Topics Discussed: Executive Summary Task Distribution


The team needs to have a good understanding of working principles of external sensors and should code for specific scenario.

To do/Action Items:

  • Finishing Code of Reflectance Sensor Test (AI, CL, ZT, ZZ)
  • Outline for Executive Summary(CL, ZT, ZZ)


ZZ is supposed to finish the purpose and background part, CL should complete the analysis part as well as error resolving part. ZT needs to finish the conclusion.


  • Having a good understanding of marks conversion is very important in this lab.
  • The team is supposed to be more efficient when finishing the executive summary.


Meeting #6 (Lab 5)

Date: 19-Feb-2016

Time: 9:30 am(Face-to-Face)

Members Present: Aisha Iftikhar(AI), Chen Ling(CL), Zhen Tian(ZT), Zihan Zhang(ZZ)

Topics Discussed: Executive Summary & Lab Data Analysis Strategies


The team should determine who to process the lab data and who to analyze the data and how to draw results from the lab data.

To do/Action Items:

  • Outline for Executive Summary(AI, CL, ZT, ZZ)
  • Lab Data Processing(CL, ZT)
  • Lab Data Analysis(ZT)


The team assigned data processing and analysis task to CL and ZT because these two members have a strong background in mathematics as well as physics. ZZ is responsible for composing other parts of the executive summary such as purpose and background. It is AI’s obligation to arrange the summary organization as well as polish the paragraphs.


  • The team members must know advantages and shortcomings of each other so that the missions could be assigned to proper individuals.
  • It is good for team to meet up in the morning because there would be fewer people in libraries.


Meeting #7 (Lab 6)


Date: 26-Feb-2016

Time: 4:00 pm(Face-to-Face)

Members Present: Aisha Iftikhar(AI), Chen Ling(CL), Zhen Tian(ZT), Zihan Zhang(ZZ)

Topics Discussed: Executive Summary


The team members discussed the distribution of the summary and checked the data converted in class.

To do/Action Items:

  • Converting data collected in class into engineering expression.
  • Distribution of Executive summary.


The group found the AEV cannot stop at the right position and decide to use reverse() as the brake.


  • Having a good understanding towards AEV’s data and applying code to power-time plot.



