

Meeting #12 (Performance Test 2)

Date: 1-April-2016

Time: 2:50 pm(Face-to-Face)

Members Present: Aisha Iftikhar(AI), Chen Ling(CL), Zhen Tian(ZT), Zihan Zhang(ZZ)

Topics Discussed: Data Processing & Lab Memo for Performance Test 2


The team must outline the structure of lab memo for Performance Test 2 and finish analyzing the lab data

To do/Action Items:

  • Data Processing & Analysis.
  • Lab Memo Outline.
  • Lab Memo Task Distribution


AI will be working on the background and propose part, CL will be managing and analyzing the data, ZZ will be writing the recommendation part and conclusion, ZT will be working on the theory part and data analysis part.


  • The team is supposed to create a schedule form for every member. This could help team leader to assign tasks for each member.


Meeting #13 (Performance Test 3)

Date: 8-April-2016

Time: 2:45 pm(Face-to-Face)

Members Present: Chen Ling(CL), Zhen Tian(ZT), Zihan Zhang(ZZ)

Topics Discussed: Data Processing & Lab Memo for Performance Test 3 & Presentation Preparation


The team is supposed to finish processing data from Performance Test 3, distribute the tasks of lab memo, and decide the content of presentation for each team member to address.

To do/Action Items:

  • Data Processing & Analysis.
  • Lab Memo Outline.
  • Lab Memo Task Distribution.
  • Presentation Task Distribution.


Cl and ZT will be processing the lab data, and finish the main body of lab memo of Performance Test 3. ZZ needs to finish the introduction and background part. AI needs to polish the lab memo. In addition, the team did not decide the tasks for presentation because the TAs were still estimating the presentation draft.


  • The team members believe the team must start the CDR report by next Friday.



Meeting #14 (CDR)

Date: 15-April-2016

Time: 2:30 pm(Face-to-Face)

Members Present:Aisha Iftikhar(AI), Chen Ling(CL), Zhen Tian(ZT), Zihan Zhang(ZZ)

Topics Discussed: Analyse final testing  & Presentation Preparation


Team is supposed to collect the data from PT4, work for CDR and prepare for presentation.

To do/Action Items:

  • Data Processing & Analysis.
  • CDR.
  • Presentation Exercise.


Al, Cl and ZT will be processing the lab data, and finish the main body of CDR. ZZ needs to finish the introduction and background part. Also, team prepares the presentation for several times.


  • The team members believe the team must finish the CDR report by next Thursday.


