Lab 3 – AEV Design Concept Screening and Scoring

This lab mainly aims to provide the group an opportunity to have a further understanding of the technical performances of AEV design by programming it and testing it along the track.

In addition, this lab intends to allow the group members to be familiar with Concept Screening Matrix and Concept Scoring Matrix.

The Concept Screening Matrix is quick decision making strategy which allows the researchers or engineers to evaluate different aspects of their designs by assigning symbols of “+”, “-” and “0” to eventually obtain a holistic performance assessment. There is a reference design for AEV, and the group members are to use the symbols to determine whether their design works better, or worse. And finally, the group would calculate the total scores for each design to determine the best design.

The concept scoring matrix quantifies the results from a Concept Screening Matrix to attain a more legitimate result for their designs. Different aspects would make different contributions to AEV’s final performance, hence the weight percentage is implemented in this assessing method to give a more reasonable score for different designs.

Concept Screening Matrix

Table 1: Concept Screening Matrix

Concept Scoring Matrix

Table 2 : Concept Scoring Matrix

As above tables show, the screening matrix contrasts the respect weight of each design, which are 187 g, 241 g, 130 g and 195 g. Design has the least components therefore it is the lightest. Design 2 and design 3 would cost $150, and the cheapest is design 1 which is only $141. Design 4 would spend $170 due to its additional component of head. Only design 3 does not contain an aerodynamic component, its aerodynamic performance would be the worst. Design 1 and 4 would be more durable than others because their heads would protect them from being damaged due to potential dangerous geographic situations. The design 4 adopts a pusher configuration which could improve its motility. Design 3 is best for its maintenance performance because it has fewer components and its structure is simpler than other designs.pic_m

Figure 1 : AEV scenario test


Figure 2 : AEV scenario test


Lab 2 – Arduino Programming Basics


Lab 4 -External Sensors


Lab 03 Executive Summary