Lab 3 – Creative Design

Results Lab 03

In lab 3, each team member brainstormed a unique AEV design to potentially be used as the final design. The team then came together and put all of the ideas together into one final design. The design pictured in figure one of the sketches tab was motivated by creating the most powerful possible design for the AEV. It contains both motors set equally spread from the center line, laterally, in a push configuration. The design pictured in figure two was motivated by creating the most efficient possible AEV. It contains two wings to help create lift and decrease the friction along the track. The design only has one motor placed in a push configuration. The front housing is also designed to deflect draft away from the main platform. The design pictured in figure three was also motivated by creating another very powerful AEV. This one differs from the design in figure one by placing both motors on top of each other along the central axis in a push configuration. The design also has a nose cap designed to reduce draft and small thin wings placed laterally. The wings are shaped like arcs in order to direct airflow downward and create lift. It was inspired by actual airplane wings. The design in figure four was motivated by creating a simple, yet efficient and powerful AEV. The design does not have wings or a nose cap. This design is significant however because it has motors placed at each end of the platform with on configured to run as a pull system and the other as a push system.

The design in figure five is the team’s current final design. It combines characteristics from the designs in figures three and four with the objective being creating the most efficient possible design with enough power to complete the desired task of moving the R2 unit. The design has two motors, each positioned underneath the ends of the main platform. The propellers are encased within a light plastic wind tunnel made out of either pvc or 3D printed filament. The design also has wings positioned in the center of the main platform that extend out laterally. They are similar to the wings from the design in figure three however the edges are curved to be more aerodynamic.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5