Aishwarya Srivastava, Steve Saliba, Josh Kloenne
Group K, 4:10 PM, Dr. Bixler
13 – Mar – 2015
The Design Analysis Tool lab introduced the team to the MATLAB based application of the same name, using which the AEV’s performance could be effectively evaluated. This application interacts with the Arduino motor controller, downloads the recorded EEPROM data from it and enables the user to analyze the vehicle’s operation. The team was taught how to install this analysis tool, load the different kinds of data and to read and use the different plots the tool generates. The ability to use this toolwould be very helpful when the team is evaluating and comparing the different AEV designs as it makes energy analysis much easier than the tedious method used in the previous System Analyses.
Figure 1 – 3 below show the plots generated by the Design Analysis Tool: