Performance Test 1

Description of Performance Test 1 and important take-aways:

The objective of this laboratory exercise was to test the different prototypes the team designed. These different prototype designs came from the designs created by the group in the second week of lab testing. In addition, the group used the MATLAB app created by the EED instructional staff in order to assess the difference in performance of the designs and watched each design closely on the track.

In conclusion, the group will continue will complete the Mission Concept Review by using prototype 2 instead of prototype 3. It appeared to the group that design 2 accomplished a stable enough run and weighed less. The MATLAB application confirmed the team’s hypothesis that design 2 would use less power. There was nearly a 3% energy usage margin between the team designs. Since the team and the MCR puts a large amount of emphasis on power consumed, the group decided that a 3% difference in consumed power was significant.


p1 p2

The four designs the team came up with in Lab 01 had little effect on the final designs. The original 4 designs were too complicated and expensive to construct with the kit of parts. Multiple parts would have to be 3-D printed and the AEV would be heavier than the prototype concepts. Instead, the team met to discuss designs when given the kit of parts, and the first prototype was designed and constructed.