LAB 06: System Analysis 2

Description of lab 06 and important take-aways:

The purpose of this laboratory exercise was to gain a familiarity with extracting the EEPROM data from the Arduino microcontroller. Then, this data was manipulated in MATLAB to convert the data to physical parameters that the group could understand.

The code the team created to move the AEV half the distance of the track had the AEV accelerate, reverse to decelerate and brake to stop the rotation/thrust of motors. The total energy used by the AEV was 45.9 Joules with the highest spike of energy consumption occurring during phase 4 of the code (see Appendix page A6, figure 2). It was expected that the AEV would consume the most energy during this phase due to the high amount of power supplied. Also, phase 5 in figure 1 (see Appendix page A6) shows that the AEV consumed no energy when the vehicle’s propellers ceased to rotate. Even though the AEV consumed no power, the vehicle was still in motion due to its own inertia. It was important to notice that the energy consumption data did accurately depict this phenomenon.



Description of Data and Plots

Table 1 (phase breakdown table) was calculated from the data that the EEPROM generated. This excel file where the data was assigned to, is not provided due to the excessive amount of information. Instead table 1 serves as a good reference to the important sections of the EEPROM data.
