Date: 21 – Feb – 2016
Time: 3:00 pm (Face-to-Face)
Members Present: Brett Salings, Zach Bonner, Bryan Yee, Matt Bango
The focus of today’s meeting was to discuss and complete the Executive Summary for Lab 5, preparing the code and actions for Lab 6, and updating the AEV Project Portfolio website. We also discussed preliminary ideas for the AEV Video Project.
Topics Discussed: Lab 5 Executive Summary, Lab 6 Prep, and Project Portfolio
To do/Action Items:
– Update Project Portfolio through Lab 5 (BS)
– Write Executive Summary (MB, BY, ZB, BS)
– Prepare code for Lab 6 (ZB)
– The group discussed the results of the propulsion lab and how this could affect the design of the AEV. The group also discussed future changes to the AEV and decided to keep the current propeller set-up.
- Lab was proficient in teaching the different methods for moving the AEV
- The executive summaries are becoming harder to complete as the concepts begin to become more complex, but the group is becoming experienced enough to handle them
– The AEV Video should be tons of fun!