Team Meeting Notes and Schedule March 2nd, 2016

Group K AEV
Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2016
Present: Hank McNamara, Sivan Zouela, Troy Cross, Matt Brodsky
Next meeting: 9 March 2016, SEL, 7:00pm

I. Announcements
Group already had a rough draft of the code.
II. Discussion
• Continued to refine the code
• Discussed how many marks to move propeller and when to stop the propeller to allow the AEV to cost
• Discussed optimal speed for coasting/ when to allow for coasting
• Calculated the energy, efficiency, power, and voltage of the code based on data table from the run
• Looked at energy use between different phases of the code
o Discussed ways to reduce energy consumption in phases with peaks
III. Roundtable


schedule week 7