Lab 5 – Systems Analysis 1

The purpose of this lab was to become familiar with different propeller configurations and quantify the efficiency of each. In this lab, data was pulled from four different wind tunnels, each with a different propeller configuration or diameter. With this, each member of the group compiled data and eventually calculated and graphed the overall efficiency and advance ratio for each propeller and configuration (pusher or tractor/puller). This lab related to our overall AEV design primarily because one of the main goals of this project is to create an efficient product. With these numbers, our group was able to make an informed decision as to which propeller length and configuration would be the most efficient for our design. Ultimately, our group decided to continue pursuing a ‘pusher’ propeller configuration with 3-inch blade diameters.

Major takeaways from this lab were an empirical understanding of how different propeller configurations/blade diameters test in categories such as propulsion efficiency, advance ratio, and power. With this knowledge, the group was again able to perfect their design and enhance efficiency.

View full executive summary here: AEV 5 ES

Our AEV utilizes the "pusher" method, where the thrust line is away from the AEV. Also pictured are the two 3" propellers.

Our AEV utilizes the “pusher” configuration. Also pictured are the two 3″ propellers.