Lab 2 – Arduino Programming Basics

The purpose of this lab was to become familiar with the setup of the Arduino board and the commands that will eventually be used to code the AEV. The goal of the lab was to complete a series of tasks with the motors by creating a program to fulfill the requirements. Specific requirements of the lab include setting up the propellers and motors, coding the Arduino board to operate based on two different scenarios (see scenario 1 here, scenario 2 here), and a successful upload of that code to the AEV.

Major takeaways of this lab are the ability to properly code the AEV due to new found familiarity with Arduino commands (see command list here), and a general knowledge of how the AEV moves and operates with each section of code.

Code used for scenario 1 can be found here.

Scenario 2 was not attempted by the group (optional assignment).

View the full executive summary for Lab 2 here: AEV 2 Exec Summary

Introduction/Contact Information


Welcome to Group K’s website for the 1182 AEV Project. Group K is comprised of:

Matthew Brodsky (

  • Freshman
  • Pre-Chemical Engineering

Troy Cross (

  • Sophomore
  • Agriculture Engineering

Hank McNamara (

  • Freshman
  • CSE

Sivan Zouela (

  • Freshman
  • Pre-Materials Science Engineering

Feel free to contact any of us with questions about our AEV.

Picture of "Oswald", our AEV

Picture of “Oswald”, our AEV

Lab 1 – Preliminary Designs

Lab 1 was comprised of creating several different potential designs for the AEV, discussing advantages and disadvantages to each, and ultimately choosing a design to further investigate and possibly pursue as the final AEV design.

*Design 1, titled “Y-wing”, is made of 1 T-shaped piece , 2 1” x 3” rectangles which will be used to house the turbines, 3 propellers, 2 electric motors, 1 arduino, and a lithium battery. The total price of this design is $125.33. View design 1’s scoring matrix here, and a visual representation here.

Design 2, “The Helicarrier”,  includes a bowl-shaped part at the front of the vehicle and an X-Shape base piece. View design 2’s scoring matrix here, and a visual representation here.

Design 3 has a helicopter-like dome on the top,  the battery, the Arduino board, and a basket-like bottom that will house the motor. There will be two propellers located on each arm of the X-shaped body structure, one propeller on the rear of the structure, and one propeller on the top of the dome. The estimated cost of the AEV would be around $220.00. View design 3’s scoring matrix here, and a visual representation here

Design 4, “StingRAY”, includes dimple features on the exterior shell, the lithium battery, three propellers, the arduino board, and the motors for the propellers. The parts that will be used for assembly are: 1 T-Shaped arm, 2 1” x 3” rectangles, 2 trapezoids, 4 propellers, 2 electric motors , 1 arduino, additional 3D printing, and a lithium battery. The total price of this design is $164.77. View design 4’s scoring matrix here, and a visual representation here

View full executive summary here


*=Chosen design