Lab 7: Performance Test 2 & 3

After the full track run was completed it was once again necessary to review the EEPROM data to find more modifications to make in order to make the AEV ever more power efficient. The code as well as the design of the AEV will be reviewed again to find any areas to improve. The biggest areas that were looked at would be areas of high power usage to see if it could be lowered, such as accelerating up inclines and braking the AEV. Finally the code will be reviewed to make it more efficient.


After completing the full run of the AEV track the EEPROM data was once again reviewed to find any further improvements to be made to the code. After a review it was found that the AEV run could be modified to make it more energy efficient on the hills as well as for braking. The code was also found to be inefficient and was thus revisited to be made more exact. After the changes the AEV will be subject to more testing to ensure it is at its most efficient for the final run.


To view the lab results, open the link below:

Lab 7 Results