Lab 2: Arduino Programming Basics

After carefully and thoughtfully designing the AEV to ensure proper balance of mass, the next step was to code the Arduino. Choosing to use the less powerful two bladed propellers proved to be a challenge but after trial and error much progress was made in both accommodating the design and modifying the code to ensure the AEV moved down the track as designed. Most of the major setbacks were related to the lack of power but braking and stopping proved to be an issue as well. These flaws in both the design and the code are continually worked out as testing continues. The design is continually improving and should be running as intended after further trials and prototypes of the code.

Overall, the AEV was a very straightforward and simple concept that required tested data and adjustments that could only be provided through the lab performed. However, there were some difficulties in resolving the tasks required of the code given in the lab procedures. The more complicated tasks required more time to properly map out and perform as described in the lab guidelines, however the code was created and the AEV traveled along the track nonetheless.


To view the lab results, open the link below:

Lab 2 Results