Performance Test 3 Readiness Review

Sam Evans, Anthony Lokar,                                                                                    PT3 Test Readiness Review

Alejandro Nunez, Benjamin Schneider

Group A – Instr. Richard Busick, GTA Jin Yang                                                                        April 6th, 2015

Executive Summary

The purpose of the Performance Test 3 is to maximize the efficiency of the team’s Advanced Energy Vehicle (AEV). Maximizing the efficiency can be done by both analyzing the code and making adjustments to increase the AEV’s glide time or by modifying the AEV’s design by incorporating items like the servo motor into the AEV’s run. This stage of design development is important, as it will allow the team to refine the AEV’s design, creating a more efficient system that will be less costly for the park.

Currently, through each lab the team has been very efficient, completing all tasks required. However, before final testing the AEV still needs to undergo a few modifications. In order to develop a more efficient and accurate code, the servo motor needs to be installed on the AEV. Benjamin Schneider will cover this task, finding out where to place the component on the vehicle, and testing the AEV on the track, finding the angle that the AEV needs to turn to adequately stop the vehicle. During this time, Anthony Lokar will make slight modifications to the AEV Solidworks Assembly created for the Performance Test Readiness Review. He will be updating the assembly so it matches the team’s current design so that it can be utilized in both the team’s project video and oral presentation. Alejandro Nunez and Benjamin Schneider will be testing out new segments of code with the servo motor attached, finding more ways to efficiently run the vehicle. Lastly, Sam Evans will begin editing the team’s project video, so that each team member can add their input to the films final product.

During this week’s upcoming Performance Test, the team already has in mind concepts that will enhance both the AEV’s efficiency and help standardize the run. By attaching the servo motor to the AEV, the team plans to break the vehicle along certain key stopping points during the run. These spots include the park gate and the storage facility. Attaching the servo motor will give the team options to explore with the code. By utilizing the servo motors, the vehicle will be able to achieve clean breaks along the track at certain distances. While attaching the servo motor, the team plans to analyze the current design, removing parts deemed unnecessary, to reduce both the vehicles cost and weight. Also, during the lab, the team looks to optimize the code. Throughout the past weeks, the team has made the AEV glide small distances to increase the vehicle’s efficiency. However, with the servo motor attached, the team can experiment with giving the AEV a burst of power to move it initially, allowing it to coast longer distances and then stop. These two different coding methods will be tested and compared before the team proceeds to choose one to be utilized in AEV’s final run.

Performance Test 3 will give the team time to optimize the AEV’s run. This optimization will be achieved through attaching parts such as the servo motor to stop the vehicle and removing any excess parts attached to the vehicle.  Its efficiency will also be raised by altering the code to increase the AEV’s glide time. These steps will be important to ensure that the AEV will be able to carry out the tasks outlined in the Mission Concept Review, while utilizing the least amount of energy possible to decrease operation costs at Jurassic Park.

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