The students in Engineering 1182 have been given a project scenario for the semester. The students were challenged to come up with a scaled prototype advanced energy vehicle, AEV, for the new Jurassic World Park. The vehicle has multiple requirements, for example, the vehicle must be cost effective, energy efficient, and fully automated. The AEV needs to be able to complete the mock course in the classroom effectively in order to be considered for further production. The students will work towards completion of the project the entire semester. Each of the labs will build off of each other in order to teach the students how to come up with a final design.
Photo from the AEV Mission Review Document on the Engineering 1182 Website
Tucciarone, Joe. Pterodactyl Photo. Digital image. Live Science. Purch, 26 Jan. 2015. Web. 28 Mar. 2015.
Group G consists of first year engineering students. Logan Fleisher is an industrial systems engineering student who works on the coding for the AEV project. Laura Inbody is a chemical engineering student who analyzes data and information from the labs. Sean Lincoln is a mechanical engineering student who is responsible for the constructing the AEV designs after they are brainstormed. Matt Schaefer is a computer science and engineering student who works with Logan on the codes and tests the AEV designs.
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