Lab 9: Performance Test 2

The purpose of this lab was for the team to modify the code executed by the Arduino in the AEV in order to successfully fulfill the objectives laid out in the Mission Concept Review (MCR). Based on the design that was decided upon in Lab 08 – Performance Test 1, the code was required to guide the vehicle to the gate and stop for seven seconds to allow the gate to open. From there, the AEV was supposed to travel to the cargo and slow down to pick it up. After five seconds, the vehicle traveled back towards the gate, stopped again for seven seconds, and then returned to the starting point. The goal was to develop two functioning codes during lab time so that the AEV could be tested using both and the efficiency of each run (and in turn each code) could be compared and analyzed. This memo was created in order to outline the thought process of the team while conducting the performance test and examining the data afterwards. The results are displayed and discussed below as well as the individual conclusions and recommendations drawn by each group member.  See attached lab memo for more information.

Lab Memo

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