Lab 4: External Sensors

This lab required the use of external reflector sensors in order to control the AEV while it completed its mission. These sensors work in conjunction with the reflective tape on the wheels of the vehicle in order to measure the distance that it travels on the track. The values are measured in marks, where 1 mark is approximately .4875 inches. Students first attached the sensors to the vehicle and used the command “reflectanceSensorTest();” in order to verify that the reflecting apparatuses were oriented correctly. The group then proceeded to write an Arduino program demonstrating the AEV’s ability to approach and halt at a gate when instructed. The main purpose of this lab was to introduce the new AEV components as well as the new Arduino commands associated with them to the students. Also, the procedure allowed the group to gain further experience in writing programs for the Arduino and resolving possible error in the code or vehicle itself. The motivation behind this exercise was to present the group with unfamiliar hardware and Arduino commands so that they could learn to utilize them on their own to improve their vehicle’s performance. In the engineering world, professionals are presented with new, innovative components frequently and they must learn to incorporate them to their highest potential.  See full executive summary attached below for more information.

Executive Summary

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