We will check the amount of food in beginning. And we will check if we have enough food for many days after that we would divide it to meals. However, just one will be a larger than others for a last supper. We would motionless for don’t consume stamina. We always don’t forget turn the mirror to the sky. We would begin the fishing when our meal became the last one. They would eat me first when food is gone. Because I am the oldest one in this class. Will they cook me a BBQ by used the petrol thats left? However, the fire moved to the yacht. This story finished when everything burned.
Author: Jun Ibaraki
About Borrowed the Library Book
I borrowed the book “USA’S BEST TRIPS” because I will take trip on Thanksgiving Day. I want to go to Niagara Falls. I will visit to Canada, I can’t forget the sign of I-20.
I want to consider this plan, and I’m looking for other place. Also I want to go to Grand Canyon, and Yellowstone but there are far.
My Uninteresting Weekend
I called the owner of the car I found on the Internet, but the car already sold out. And I called the insurance company to know the car insurance fee.
I wrote the business report for September, but it is not completed yet. However I drank beer on the bar, and I did coin game after break to coin.
About I borrowed the book at library
I write about borrowed library book & DVD, but when I stay in my home, I can’t watch DVD by my optical drive, it was different region code in Japan.
I was ordered new optical drive, but I returned the DVD yesterday, because it didn’t reach in time the return deadline.
I’m reading a comic, who’s name is “BAD HOUSE”, story is estate in Oregon state.
This book wrote whole by large characters, so I can’t understand different name or new vocabulary.
I can understand, because short sentence, but I don’t like story, it doesn’t have joke.
However I learned new vocabulary like “breath”, “leftover”, “appreciate”, “responsible”.