Assignment 3: Team-Led Class Discussion and Collaborative Annotated Bibliography

Assignment 3:  Team-Led Class Discussion and Collaborative Annotated Bibliography
Reading Selections
Each team will read 8-10 additional readings of their own choosing outside of class.  These additional readings will become the basis of the third major assignment.  The selections may be articles on literacy and/or dance, or the DALN.  They can be historical, biographical, contemporary, or methodological.  The only requirement is that the readings relate to the themes of the course.

Class Discussion
Each team will choose one reading selection from your list to share with the class.  You will lead the class in a discussion about the main points of the reading and how it relates to the course and class research projects.  Your team will come up with questions and/or activities that help your classmates think about the central issues in the reading selection.  The discussion should be approximately 30 minutes.

Annotated Bibliography 
Each team will turn in one collaboratively-prepared bibliography.  Each team member will contribute at least two annotations to the team bibliography.  Annotations (one-two paragraphs each, single-spaced) should be both descriptive and evaluative, meaning that a good annotation clearly summarizes the main points of the reading and briefly describes and evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the selection.  A reader who has not read the texts in your bibliography should be able to read each annotation and know whether the source will be relevant to his or her research.  The selection on which you lead class discussion should be included in the annotated bibliography.

Evaluative Criteria
The criteria for evaluating the annotated bibliography are as follows:

  • a full, correct MLA or APA citation for each annotation (be consistent);
  • a well-written but concise summary of each selection;
  • a clear evaluative statement of the strengths and weaknesses of the selection; and
  • a carefully composed and edited prose that reflects the stylistic “moves” for annotations and that is free of misspellings, typos, and grammatical miscues.

Due Dates:
Team-led Class Discussions:

  • November 5  Teams one and two

Annotated Bibliography:

  • October 29  Draft of two individual annotations
  • November 5  Teams’ Collaborative Annotated Bibliography