Annesi #4
Hulme, Peter. “COLUMBUS AND THE CANNIBALS: A STUDY OF THE REPORTS OF ANTHROPOPHAGY IN THE JOURNAL OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS.” Ibero- Amerikanisches Archiv, vol. 4, no. 2, 1978, pp. 115–139. JSTOR, JSTOR, stable/43750588. This article will be a great resource…
Annesi #3
Fernandez-Armesto, F. “Columbus–Hero or Villain?.” History Today, vol. 42, no. 5, May 1992, p. 4. EBSCOhost, login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=9205183670&site=ehost-live. This source will be very useful because it covers both sides of the debate. At the end of the article the author…
Annesi #2
Bigelow, Bill. “Once upon a Genocide: Christopher Columbus in Children’s Literature.” Social Justice, vol. 19, no. 2 (48), 1992, pp. 106–121. JSTOR, JSTOR, 29766680. This article focuses almost exclusively on the bad things Columbus did. It talks about how…
Annesi #1
Bickford, John H., “Examining Historical (Mis)Representations of Christopher Columbus within Children’s Literature” (2013). Faculty Research and Creative Activity. 9. This articles main goal to show how Columbus has been misrepresented in history. The author has a problem with the…