Kennedy #2
Koning, Hans. “The Legacy of Columbus.” Social Justice, vol. 19, no. 2 (48), 1992, pp. 35–38. JSTOR, JSTOR,
Bartolome De Las Casas, a bishop from Texas was an earlier admirer or Columbus. He shortly realizes that Columbus wasn’t the man he thought he was. He writes about Columbus along with all the savagery he did to the Indians while in America, titling it Very Short Account of the Devastation of the Indies. He writes of men, women, and children being burnt alive over slow fires in rows of thirteen. Along with that, he describes the butcher shops were dead Indians were sold as dog food because in Spain it was great military policy to give their dogs a taste of Indian flesh. He had all Indians over 14 go in the mountains and collect gold dust. Every 3 months there were instructed to report to a Spanish fort, exchanging the gold for a copper necklace. Indians caught without such a necklace would have their hands cut off. These are just a few of Columbus’ hates crimes on Indians, which are terrible as is.