Andrew Vonderhaar

1)    Columbus Controversy. (n.d.). Accessed 6 March 2017.

Summary This article contains the information as to why Columbus’ journey to the New World is a controversy due to his violence, forced conversion to Christianity, and the introduction of new deadly diseases. In this time, slave trade was starting to become more popular, so Columbus and his men enslaved many natives of the West Indies and subjected them to extreme violence and brutality. He also enacted policies of forced labor in which natives were to work for the sake of profits, or else they were sent to Spain to be sold. Within 60 years after Columbus arrived, only a few hundred of what may have been 250,000 Taino were left on their island.
Statement Despite the holiday that Americans now celebrate today for the exploration of the New World, there are many facts historians have found that have questioned the validity of Columbus as a hero.


2)    Wright, Mark A. “Christopher Columbus and the New World.” The National Review, October, 12. 2015. Accessed 6 March 2017.  
Summary– This article talks about the two common narratives told about Christopher Columbus: apprenticed sailor and discoverer of the New World, and slaver, capitalist, and a murderer of millions. Within this article is included quotes from Ronald Reagan that appraise Columbus for his determination and dream that led to the New World. Despite the pitiless treatment of the Indians, the author of the article continues to say that Americans cannot ignore the genuine good that has resulted from Columbus’ journey. Columbus day does not mark a one man’s birthday, but an event- landfall in the New World. This date is meant to commemorate a great man and his achievements, not his actions towards the Indians.
  • Ronald Reagan, “he was a dreamer, a man of vision and courage, a man filled with hope for the future and with the determination to cast off for the unknown and sail into uncharted seas for the joy of finding whatever was there.”
  • “We should not ignore the genuine good that has come down to us as a result of the course of human events- namely, the space for a unique idea to grow and flourish: the self-government of free people, with an ever-expanding idea of who can partake of that promise.”
Statement– Although some of Columbus’ actions may seem dastardly and heartless, one must not forget what his determination has led to: the discovery of the New World and the possibility for growth and flourish.